• We completed the construction of a small public space in Las Brisas - La Palomera that includes a bench more than 9 meters long and a hexagonal structure that works like a swing where children can see each other and synchronize their movements. Both rest under the shade of a large existing Possum tree. This place had previously been used to park cars, and through negotiations with its drivers we managed to free space to convert it into a public space. We are deeply grateful for the donations received from Juan Fernandes, Martin Prosperi, Juan Carlos Castillo and Tania Urvois.

  • After twenty weeks of work through the phases of community consultations, participatory design and construction, the Chapellin Plaza was inaugurated with the participation of neighbors and visitors. This project was funded by the Swiss Embassy in Venezuela through an alliance with Caracas MiConvive, an NGO focused on empowering and supporting communities in Caracas. Enlace Arquitectura led design and construction efforts together with local associations such as Asociación de Jóvenes Unidos AJU and the Don Bosco de Chaplain pre-school. A uniform pavement over 280 m2 of surface allow children and youth to play baseball, soccer and ride bikes. It has also been used for community festivities over the holiday season revealing an immediate appropriation of the renewed public space by neighbors. The public space was named Plaza Jorge Somaca after the leader of the association AJU, who sadly passed days before the project was completed.

  • Enlace Foundation ended the first part of a public space project in Las Brisas La Palomera over the month of December, culminating the construction of a 19 meters long bench that lines the edge of pronounced topographical drop off at the top of La Palomera´s southern ridge. In order to create this new playground for children, neighbors who had parked their cars in this space graciously agreed to park their cars elsewhere in order to allow a new public space to be built. For security reasons the community and design team agreed to build the bench first as a protection device to keep children away from the edge. In January 2019 we will begin the construction of the swings.

  • The 15th and 16th of June a formal presentation was made of the public space projects designed together with the communities of Chapellin and El Cardon in Caracas. The Swiss Ambassador in Venezuela was among the audience members invited to the event. The project emerges as a collaboration between the communities, Caracas MiConvive and Enlace Arqutiectura, with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Venezuela.

  • Founding of the Biñ Yu Initiative in Mexico to support communities in rural areas of the Oaxaca Central Valley Region to gain empowerment through participatory workshops to improve their livelihood and the sustainability of their environmental conditions. These areas are typically plagued by extended drought seasons and diminished productivity due to the scarcity of water. However, in fact Oaxaca receives considerable amounts of yearly rain in comparison to other regions of Mexico.

  • Enlace Arquitectura participates in the event "El CalvarioOpen Doors" in its third edition 2017. Seven canopies trace the path through the barrio, suspended from windows, posts and fences in the neighborhood. Knitted fabrics of synthetic plastic fibers in various color combinations and sizes witness the passing of shadows, quotidian affairs and the barrio´s built morphology.
    The installation was exhibited between December 2, 2017 and March 15, 2018.

  • An earnest strive to make social housing in Mexico more inclusive and sustainable was presented on Monday November 5th at the offices of Conavi in Mexico City. The study was commissioned by Conavi to UN Habitat in Mexico; the research and documentation was executed by Elisa Silva. The study emphasises the importance of considering housing at three scales: the urban, the neighbourhood and the housing unit itself. It allows design to pool resources together to lower overall costs, prioritise strategies for urban integration and increase people´s quality of living.

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  • The new church of Media Legua San Juan Maria Vianney was inaugurated (consecrated) by the Vargas State Bishop and the last four parish priests including Father Abelardo Bazó, who stood behind the church’s construction from the very beginning. Ricardo Silva, and Elisa Silva led the design and construction together with Rafael Monterrey and his family. Carlos Mero was responsible for the opening gates and lettering on the façade. The idea to build a church at the selected site initiated in April 2008 when the community approached Father Abelardo and presented their request. All materials have been purchased through donations and much of the work has been done pro bono. There are several details yet to be completed, but the church is functional and operative as of this moment.

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  • Students of the Oaxaca Valley Option Studio at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design visited the communities of San Martín Lachila, Agua del Espino and San Agustín Amatengo together with the studio sponsors, Bruxo Mezcal, and instructor Elisa Silva. The visit focused on understanding the mezcal making process, the community´s strengths and needs, as well as identifying opportunities for grounded interventions that can improve the livelihood, productivity, social inclusion and environmental conservation of the region.

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  • Impact Mezcal is a social entrepreneurship led by Bruxo Mezcal directors interested in returning the benefits of growing economic prosperity derived from an increased appreciation and demand for artisinal mezcal production. Enlace Arquitectura is leading the design of an integral program that will catalize beneficial ecological, social and productive processes for the community based on their existing culture, needs and participation.

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  • Vepica Headquarters received a LEED Silver Certification in December 2013. Enlace arquitectura was the LEED consultant for the project. 

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