• Beethoven Avenue



Beethoven Avenue
Beethoven Avenue

Beethoven Avenue extends for 700 meters along the southern side of the Rio Guaire.  An agreement between the client and the Baruta Municipality opened the opportunity to reflect on the pedestrian behaviors of this important Street in Bello Monte Caracas, roughly at the city´s geographic center. The project proposes to widen the southern sidewalk the equivalent of one car lane. This will allow a dedicated bike lane to be incorporated, tactile paving and trees. The intersection of Sorbone Avenue will become a new plaza by consolidating fragments of medians and turning lanes into a single unified space. It will assume the name Plaza Simón Díaz, after a beloved and famous Venezuelan musician. Lincoln Plaza at the far western end of the avenue will expand to include the service street that surrounds it, changing its current behavior from a rotary with French style parterres into an urban plaza that is connected at the ground level with its surroundings. It will include a bus stop, swings, benches, new trees and areas for outdoor café seating.

The pavement pattern is composed of two tone bands of concrete, created by changing the finish texture. They simulate degradations and even the pattern of a piano keyboard, in support of the musical association of the neighborhoods street names.

Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue Beethoven Avenue

Area: 12,300 m2 | Client: Banesco; Jaime Gomez Torres, client representative | Team: Jaime Torres, topographer |